Environmental programs developed
Environmental Education is one of COPELMI’s commitments. Awareness conferences are held in schools in the area of influence of the company’s areas. There are guided tours to the company that emphasize the recovery of the areas explored and their total possibility of future ventures.
Program: Lectures on Environmental Education
Environmental education is one of COPELMI’s commitments. We hold lectures on environmental awareness in schools from the region where the company operates. Visits to our company are also made, during which we explain how we recover the mined areas and make them totally feasible for new projects.
Waste Management Program
By way of lectures, the company seeks to make employees aware of the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling. This program also includes the community around the company. Workshops on handicraft art with recycled material, paper recycling, reuse of kitchen oil as raw material for making soap and other practices are organized.
Environmental Training and Awareness Program
For COPELMI, every employee must respect the environment on a daily basis. With this in mind, the company develops regular environmental training and awareness programs.
The programs are aimed at emphasizing the importance of preserving the environment where we live and acquiring habits that will make our activities easier and our workplace healthier. We also discuss several topics related to our activities and the necessary care we must take to prevent these activities from harming our environment.